北欧天鹅生态标签促进循环经济的10大优势 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2021-10-25   点击:805 次
NordicSwan Ecolabel的目标是促进可持续发展 - 为可持续发展的未来铺平道路,并确保环境已经在当今社会中获得最大利益。

The aim of theNordic Swan Ecolabel is to promote sustainable development – by paving the wayto a sustainable future and by ensuring the environment is already reaping themaximum benefit in today’s society.

NordicSwan Ecolabel的目标是促进可持续发展 - 为可持续发展的未来铺平道路,并确保环境已经在当今社会中获得最大利益。

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets out requirements specific tothe product, taking the full life cycle of the product into consideration whendrawing up these requirements. This is primarily done based on the followingsix parameters: 

Nordic Swan Ecolabel规定了产品的特定要求,在制定这些要求时考虑了产品的整个生命周期。这主要基于以下六个参数完成:

1.     Requirements for renewable, recycled and sustainable rawmaterials 


2.     Strict chemical requirements 


3.     Requirements for reduced use of resources and energy 


4.     Quality requirements and lifetime 


5.     Requirements for product design, dismantling andrepairability 


6.     Requirements for optimum waste and resource handling. 


1. Circular access to lifecycle


The entire life cycle of the product, from raw material toproduction, use, disposal and recycling, is considered when drawing up therequirements for a particular product type. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel has acircular approach to the life cycle and this particular approach is a premisefor circular economy. This means that focus is on how actions taken in onestage have a positive effect on several stages of the life cycle, and also howto avoid moving a negative environmental impact to another stage of the lifecycle.


2. Absolute and transparentrequirements


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel lays down absolute requirements thatall certified products must comply with. At the same time, the requirements are100% transparent and publicly available. This makes it easy for both consumersand professional procurers to see what the labels cover – and to choose from amongthe most environmentally friendly products. The label is also an effective toolfor businesses who want to get ahead and have visible proof from an impartialthird party of their environmental efforts. It is also a strong marketing toolfor businesses, as it can be used easily and effectively in the business’communication.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel规定了所有认证产品必须符合的绝对要求。同时,要求是100%透明和公开的。这使得消费者和专业采购商都可以轻松查看标签所涵盖的内容,并从最环保的产品中进行选择。该标签对于那些希望获得成功的企业来说也是一个有效的工具,并且可以从公正的第三方那里获得有关其环保工作的明显证据。它也是一种强大的商业营销工具,因为它可以在商业沟通中轻松有效地使用。

3. Product-specificrequirements 


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel lays down requirements specific tothe product. This means that each product type has unique requirements. This iscrucial for managing the most important areas for the product type from anenvironmental perspective, thus ensuring maximum benefit for the environment.Setting out product-specific requirements also creates the best conditions forsupporting a circular economy in terms of the individual product type. As anexample, building construction with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel must satisfystrict requirements when it comes to substances in building materials andchemical products that are harmful to health and the environment. A logbookmust also be kept of the materials and chemical products used in theconstruction.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel规定了产品的特定要求。这意味着每种产品类型都有独特的要求。这对于从环境角度管理产品类型的最重要区域至关重要,从而确保对环境的最大利益。制定产品特定要求也为个别产品类型支持循环经济创造了最佳条件。例如,北欧天鹅生态标签的建筑结构必须满足对建筑材料和对健康和环境有害的化学产品中的物质的严格要求。还必须保留建筑中使用的材料和化学产品的日志。

These measures create opportunities for reusing the materialsand minimising the amount of waste. By the same token, the Nordic SwanEcolabel’s building criteria reward the use of reused building materials.

这些措施为重新使用材料和减少浪费量创造了机会。出于同样的原因,Nordic Swan Ecolabel的建筑标准奖励了重复使用的建筑材料的使用。

4. High awareness of theNordic Swan Ecolabel


9 out of 10 Nordic consumers recognise the NordicSwan Ecolabel. This makes the label an attractive marketing tool formanufacturers. The wide awareness creates good conditions for driving the marketin a more circular direction, since promoting a circular economy is exactlywhat the Nordic Swan Ecolabel does. 


5. Adapted market


The idea behind the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is to promotesustainable development – by paving the way to a sustainable future and byensuring the environment is already reaping the maximum benefit in today’ssociety. One way of doing this is to adapt the requirements to what can berealised in today’s market. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel therefore takes intoaccount regional characteristics, such as waste management systems and thepossibilities of reusing and recycling different product and material types.

Nordic SwanEcolabel背后的理念是促进可持续发展 - 为可持续发展的未来铺平道路,并确保环境已经在当今社会中获得最大利益。这样做的一种方法是使需求适应当今市场中可实现的目标。因此,北欧天鹅生态标签考虑了区域特征,例如废物管理系统以及重复使用和回收不同产品和材料类型的可能性。

6. Strict chemicalrequirements


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel places strict requirements onchemicals that may be used in ecolabelled products. This increases theopportunity for materials in the products to be reused and recycled later inthe life cycle. Strict chemical requirements also reduce the environmentalimpact during production and the level to which we are exposed to chemicalswhen we use the products. 

Nordic Swan Ecolabel对可用于生态标签产品的化学品提出严格要求。这增加了产品中材料在生命周期后期重复使用和再循环的机会。严格的化学要求还可以减少生产过程中的环境影响以及我们使用产品时接触化学品的水平。

7. Requirements on quality anduse stage


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets down quality requirements,vital for ensuring effective products that have the desired function and longservice life. For many types of product, life cycle assessments show thatservice life is the factor that has the greatest influence on overallenvironmental impact. A long service life in the use stage is also essentialfor circular economy – because it means the product lasts longer before beingdisposed of and because good quality increases opportunities for reuse. 

Nordic Swan Ecolabel规定了质量要求,这对于确保具有所需功能和长使用寿命的有效产品至关重要。对于许多类型的产品,生命周期评估表明,使用寿命是对整体环境影响影响最大的因素。使用阶段的长使用寿命对于循环经济也是必不可少的 - 因为这意味着产品在被处置之前持续更长时间,并且因为良好的质量增加了再利用的机会。

8. Requirements from publicprocurers


The 2014 EU Public Procurement Directive (2014/24/EU) givespublic procurers the possibility to stipulate ecolabels as a requirement,making it easier and less demanding on resources to devise and review tenderdocuments. At the same time, competition is fairer, since it is more apparentwhether or not a product or a service is an environmentally good choice. TheNordic Swan Ecolabel is an obvious label to be stipulated as a requirement inpublic tenders since the ecolabel requirements are transparent and developed inan open process in wide consultation with both the market and stakeholders.Precisely these aspects form the basis for requiring a specific label in atender. Public procurers can therefore help in promoting a circular economy bystipulating ecolabels as a requirement in tenders.

2014年欧盟公共采购指令(2014/24 / EU)为公共采购者提供了将生态标签作为一项要求的可能性,使得设计和审查招标文件的资源变得更加容易和要求更低。同时,竞争更加公平,因为产品或服务是否是环保的选择更为明显。北欧天鹅生态标签是一个明显的标签,作为公开招标的要求,因为生态标签要求是透明的,并在与市场和利益相关者广泛协商的开放过程中发展。准确地说,这些方面构成了在招标中要求特定标签的基础。因此,公共采购者可以通过规定生态标签作为招标要求来帮助促进循环经济。

9. Certification of circularbusiness models


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel supports circular business models,as both products and processes can be certified. For example, toner cartridgescan now be certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, which ensures usedcartridges don’t end up in landfill, but are reused instead. Textile servicesalso work with a circular business model, where the laundering service owns thetextiles and is therefore interested in maximising the textiles’ service life,and at the same time, where the washing process is optimised from anenvironmental perspective. There are many possibilities for including newcircular business models in future ecolabel criteria, too.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel支持循环商业模式,因为产品和流程都可以通过认证。例如,硒鼓现在可以通过Nordic Swan Ecolabel认证,确保使用过的硒鼓不会最终进入垃圾填埋场,而是可以重复使用。纺织服务也采用循环商业模式,洗衣服务拥有纺织品,因此有兴趣最大化纺织品的使用寿命,同时,从环境角度优化洗涤过程。在未来的生态标签标准中包含新的循环商业模式有很多可能性。

10. Regular tightening ofrequirements


The requirements applying to ecolabelled productsand services are regularly evaluated and tightened according to the latestscience and development in the market. This ensures sustainable development –and ambitious, yet realistic requirements. The regular tightening ofrequirements also motivates innovation – not least in areas which benefit thecircular economy. Such areas include the use of sustainable or reused rawmaterials, substitution of undesirable chemicals and greater energy efficiency.When the requirements for a specific product group or service are revised, eachproduct or service is reassessed and it must be documented that it complieswith the new requirements.

根据市场上的最新科学和发展,定期评估和收紧适用于生态标签产品和服务的要求。这确保了可持续发展 - 以及雄心勃勃但现实的要求。定期收紧要求也会激励创新 - 尤其是在有利于循环经济的领域。这些领域包括使用可持续或重复使用的原材料,替代不良化学品和提高能源效率。当修订特定产品组或服务的要求时,将重新评估每个产品或服务,并且必须记录它符合新要求。



  • 下一篇:北欧生态标签收费规则
  • 上一篇:白天鹅认证和北欧生态标签产品组
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