北欧白天鹅认证如何申请,通过三个步骤获得认证 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2019-10-18   点击:5054 次
You can apply forthe Nordic Swan Ecolabel for many different product categories – all of themwith the purpose to enable consumers and businesses to choose between theenvironmentally best goods and services. 您可以为许多不同的产品类别申请北欧天鹅生态标签 - 所有这些都旨在使消费者和企业能够在环境最佳



You can apply forthe Nordic Swan Ecolabel for many different product categories – all of themwith the purpose to enable consumers and businesses to choose between theenvironmentally best goods and services.

您可以为许多不同的产品类别申请北欧天鹅生态标签 - 所有这些都旨在使消费者和企业能够在环境最佳的商品和服务之间做出选择。

Become certified in three steps


1.      Fill-in applicationform and submit

1. 填写申请表并提交

·                    Find your productgroup to see the criteria and download application form and relevantdocuments. Fill in the entire form and the associated declarations (ifrequired). This helps to ensure that your application is complete and can beprocessed quickly. The application form should be sent to the applicationemail-address of your nationalecolabelling organisation.

·                    查找您的产品组以查看标准并下载申请表和相关文档。填写整个表格和相关的声明(如果需要)。这有助于确保您的申请完整并可以快速处理。申请表应发送到您所在国家生态标签组织的申请电子邮件地址。

·                    You can apply for several products at the same time. If theproducts are being produced in different places, however, they will usuallyrequire individual certifications. In such cases, you therefore also need tocomplete several application forms.

·                    您可以同时申请多种产品如果产品是在不同的地方生产的,但是,他们通常需要单独认证。在这种情况下,您还需要填写几份申请表。

2.  Application review


·                    The national ecolabelling organisation makes every effort toprovide you with a status of your application no later than three weeks afterreceipt and let you know if they need more documentation or if there is a need tochange something related to the product in order to meet the requirements ofthe Nordic Swan Ecolabel. All applications are treated confidentially.

·                    国家生态标签组织尽一切努力在收到申请后三周内向您提供申请状态,并告知您是否需要更多文件或是否需要更改与产品相关的内容以满足北欧白天鹅生态标签的要求。所有申请都受到保密处理。

·                    When all the documentation is in order, the nationalecolabelling organisation will contact you to make an appointment for aninspection visit to ensure that, the production in reality is in line with whatis described in the documentation.

·                    如果所有文件都符合规定,国家生态标签组织将与您联系预约检查,以确保实际生产符合文档中描述的内容。

·                    If things appear to be in order, a technical review of yourapplication will be initiated.

·                    如果事情看起来井然有序,将启动对您申请的技术审查。

3.  Certification


·                    When your application has passed the technical review and thelast administrative details have been handled, you will be granted yourcertification.

·                    当您的申请通过技术审核并处理完最后的管理细节后,您将获得认证。

·                    Having obtained the certification means that you can startusing the Nordic Swan Ecolabel on your product or in relation to your servicein accordance with the rules and regulationsfor the Nordic Swan Ecolabelling of goods and services.

·                    获得认证意味着您可以根据北欧天鹅生态标签的商品和服务的规则和规定,开始在您的产品上或与您相关的服务上使用北欧白天鹅生态标签。

·                    Typically, the national ecolabelling organisation will spend2 to 6 months to process your application. If the processing time takes longer,this is normally because documentation is lacking for one or more importantpoints. Your application is valid for one year, and after this, it will becancelled if all relevant documentation is not received. You are always welcometo submit a new application.

·                    通常,国家生态标签组织将花费26个月的时间来处理您的申请。如果处理时间较长,通常是因为缺少一个或多个重要点的文件。您的申请有效期为一年,在此之后,如果未收到所有相关文件,该申请将被取消。欢迎您随时提交新申请。

How to register in severalcountries


You must inform your national ecolabellingorganisation if you wish to sell your product or service in countries that youhave not registered sales to when you made the application.


If your product belongs to a product group that iscovered by the Nordic fee system, your Nordic Swan Ecolabel certification willbe valid in all countries. You must, however, always report which countries youare selling to and the estimated annual revenue per country in the Nordicregion – as well as the total estimated revenue from countries outside theNordic region. You can do this by sending a mail with information aboutnew markets and estimated revenue to your national ecolabelling organisation.

如果您的产品属于北欧收费系统涵盖的产品组,您的Nordic Swan Ecolabel认证将在所有国家/地区有效。但是,您必须始终报告您所销售的国家/地区以及北欧地区每个国家/地区的估计年度收入 - 以及北欧地区以外国家/地区的预算总收入。您可以通过向您的国家生态标签组织发送包含有关新市场和估算收入的信息的邮件来实现此目的。

If you have a certfication for a service, thecertification normally only applies in the country where you have applied forthe Nordic Swan Ecolabel. In cases where it is possible to supply the serviceacross borders - for example, textile services, cleaning of textiles, printingand photo services - you do have the option to register sales in severalcountries.

如果您有服务认证,则认证通常仅适用于您申请Nordic Swan Ecolabel的国家/地区。如果需要跨境提供服务 - 例如,纺织服务,纺织品清洁,印刷和照片服务 - 您可以选择在多个国家/地区注册销售。

You must apply for the registration of sales ofservices in other countries by sending an application to national ecolabellingorganisation where you have the certification. You must fill out theentire application form and tick the box in the field Extensionof licence and provide your licence number. At the same time, youmust state which countries you would like to offer your service in and how muchyou expect to sell during a calendar year.



  • 下一篇:北欧白天鹅认证标签使用规则
  • 上一篇:北欧白天鹅标签的使用-2-用于产品和包装
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