蓝天使EU标签申请 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2022-05-06   点击:545 次

Application (initial application)


Check first:


· whether the product or service is offered on the Community market for distribution, consumption or use, whether in return for payment or free of charge.

· 产品或服务是否在社区市场上提供分发,消费或使用,以换取付款或免费。

· whether you can make an application as a manufacturer, importer, service provider, wholesaler or retailer.

· 您是否可以作为制造商,进口商,服务提供商,批发商或零售商提出申请。

· which competent body in the Member State is responsible for the application.  

· 成员国中哪个主管机构负责申请。

· whether there is a basis for the award of a contract for the product or service you offer. Documents on the respective award criteria are available for download. Check in the criteria of the respective award criteria whether your product or service is covered by the respective scope of application.  At the EU, new proposals can be submitted to the helpdesk.

· 您提供的产品或服务的合同是否有授予的基础。有关相应奖励标准的文件可以下载。 检查相应奖励标准中的标准,以确定您的产品或服务是否属于相应的应用范围。在欧盟,可以将新的提案提交给服务台。

If you are not sure whether an application can be submitted for your product or service, you are also welcome to firstly contact RAL gGmbH to clarify this issue.

如果不确定是否可以为您的产品或服务提交申请,也欢迎您先联系RAL gGmbH确认此问题。

If the criteria of the respective award criteria are met, an application for use for the respective product or service can be submitted to RAL gGmbH online via the WEB-PORTAL. All necessary documents for the application can be uploaded simultaneously in the WEB-PORTAL. Further information can be found in the instructions WEB-PORTAL.

如果符合相应奖励标准,则可以通过WEB-PORTAL在线将相应产品或服务的使用申请提交给RAL gGmbH。可以在WEB-PORTAL中同时上传申请程序的所有必要文件。进一步的信息可以在WEB-PORTAL说明中找到。

Examination process


After your application documents have been received by RAL gGmbH, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via E-mail. After acceptance of the application by RAL gGmbH, you will receive an application invoice in accordance with the schedule of fees. You will find the registration number on the invoice for the application fee. This number must be stated together with the EU Ecolabel Logo during the period of use of the label.

RAL gGmbH收到您的申请文件后,您将通过电子邮件自动收到收据确认。在RAL gGmbH接受申请后,您将按照费用表收到申请发票。您可以在发票上找到申请费的注册号。在使用标签期间,此编号必须与EU Ecolabel徽标一起注明。

The application will be examined after your payment has been received. The time required for this process will depend on the general volume of applications received by RAL gGmbH. The aim is to process applications within two months if possible. The processing time depends heavily on the completeness, comprehensibility and correctness of the submitted documents. If application documents are missing, incomplete or incorrect, you will be notified accordingly so that you can resubmit the documents.

收到您的付款后,我们将检查该申请。该过程所需的时间将取决于RAL gGmbH收到的总体申请量。目的是尽可能在两个月内处理申请。处理时间在很大程度上取决于所提交文件的完整性,可理解性和正确性。如果申请文件丢失,不完整或不正确,则会相应地通知您,以便您可以重新提交文件。

You will receive two contracts at the same time or possibly a little later. Once both of these contracts have been returned signed to RAL gGmbH, they will be countersigned by RAL gGmbH if the application is examined positively. At the same time as the contract is issued, the applicant will receive the invoice for the annual fee based on the schedule of fees.

您将同时或稍后收到两份合同。一旦将这两个合同的签字都退还给RAL gGmbH,如果对申请进行了积极的审查,它们将由RAL gGmbH签字。签发合同的同时,申请人将根据费用表收到年费发票。

On request, RAL gGmbH will then produce certificates confirming the successful award of the EU Ecolabel.

然后,RAL gGmbH将根据要求提供证书,以证明已成功授予EU生态标签。

Registration and publication


For publication in the Ecolabel Catalogue (ECAT) maintained by the EU, the applicant or licence holder must enter their contract details in ECAT. This will then be confirmed in the ECAT system by RAL gGmbH. It is not possible for RAL gGmbH to enter this information.

为了在欧盟维护的生态标签目录(ECAT)中发布,申请人或许可证持有人必须在ECAT中输入其合同详细信息。然后,RAL gGmbH将在ECAT系统中对此进行确认。RAL gGmbH无法输入此信息。

If the applicant or contractual partner is using ECAT for the first time, they are required to complete the initial registration process in ECAT. 


Publication in the list of products and suppliers on the RAL gGmbH website will be completed automatically after conclusion of the contract.

合同签订后,将自动完成RAL gGmbH网站上产品和供应商列表中的发布。

Note: due to technical problems, it is currently not recommended that the applicant or licence holder makes any entries. 


Period of use


During the period of use, the label holder has the contractual right to use the EU Ecolabel.


The relevant Basic Award Criteria for the group of products and services states the contractually agreed period of use for the EU Ecolabel. During this period, the contractual partner is required to pay an annual fee each year based on the schedule of fees.

产品和服务组的相关基本奖励标准规定了欧盟生态标签的合同约定使用期限。 在此期间,合同合作伙伴需要根据费用表每年支付年费。

Before the expiry of the contractually agreed period of use, the following situations can occur:


1. The criteria in the relevant Basic Award Criteria may be extended by the European Commission following a decision by the Regulation Committee. In this case, the contract will continue without amendments until the end of the new period of use, which will be stated in the corresponding Commission Decision.

     1. 有关基本奖励标准中的标准可以由欧洲委员会根据监管委员会的决定进行扩         展。 在这种情况下,合同将继续进行而无需修改,直到新的使用期限结束为             止,  这将在相应的委员会决定中进行说明。

2. The criteria for the group of products or services may be amended by the European Commission following a decision by the Regulation Committee.


This decision will generally give existing label holders the right to continue using the EU Ecolabel for one year from the date of the decision so that they can apply during this year to the body responsible for awarding the label (Competent Body) to renew the contracts.


The contract will be cancelled by RAL gGmbH after this one year period expires.

一年之后,RAL gGmbH将取消该合同。

If the contract has not been renewed, the use of the EU Ecolabel is no longer permitted. However, the EU allows label holders a subsequent period of six months to sell already labelled products or services.


Following the publication of new Basic Award Criteria, it is only possible for new contracts to be concluded either based on the new Basic Award Criteria or for a limited time based on the old Basic Award Criteria.


Application (subsequent applications)


If the same applicant/label holder wishes to apply for the EU Ecolabel for other products/services, please note the following information:


1. A completely new application is required in the case of products with completely new characteristics. The process is then the same as the initial application. However, depending on the nature of the product, they will only receive an additional annex to the contract already issued. 

     1.对于具有全新特性的产品,需要全新的申请程序。然后,该过程与初始申请程       序相同。但是,根据产品的性质,他们只会收到已签发合同的附加附件。

2. If an already certified product is to be additionally placed on the market by another distributor, a new application must also be submitted, in this case an extension application. Which application documents have to be submitted can be found in some of the award criteria in the checklist, otherwise please contact the responsible contact person at RAL gGmbH. The subsequent process is the same as for the initial application. The application fee is reduced by 50% in this case.

      2.如果已经认证的产品要由其他分销商另外投放市场,则还必须提交新的申请,        在这种情况下是扩展申请。可以在清单的某些奖励标准中找到必须提交的申请         文件,否则请与RAL gGmbH的负责联系人联系。后续过程与初始申请程序相            同。在这种情况下,申请费减少50%。

3. If the applicant wishes to offer an already registered product with small modifications (e.g. in a different packaging size), it must be registered via the WEB PORTAL in the menu "Contract update". If at least one of the award criteria is affected by the modification, the applicant must submit the corresponding application documents with respect to this criterion. The application fee is reduced by 50% in this case. The new product will be included in the existing contract. The new products should be registered by the applicant in ECAT.

     3.如果申请人希望提供已进行了较小修改(例如,采用不同包装尺寸)的已注册       产品,则必须通过WEB门户在合同更新菜单中进行注册。如果至少一项奖励标       准受到修改的影响,则申请人必须提交与该标准有关的相应申请文件。在这种情       况下,申请费减少50%。新产品将包含在现有合同中。申请人应在ECAT中注册         新产品。

4. f the applicant wishes to offer an already registered product (unchanged) but under a new product name (e.g. in a different EU country), it must be registered via the WEB PORTAL in the menu "Contract update". The new product name will be added to the existing contract, the application fee will be reduced by 50% in this case. The new products should be registered by the applicant in ECAT.

     4.如果申请人希望提供已经注册的产品(不变)但使用新产品名称(例如在另一       个欧盟国家),则必须通过WEB门户在合同更新菜单中进行注册。新产品名称        将添加到现有合同中,在这种情况下,申请费将减少50%。申请人应在ECAT中        注册新产品。

Modification of a product


If the applicant wishes to modify an already registered product, the modification only needs to be registered with RAL gGmbH if it affects at least one of the Basic Award Criteria. The corresponding application documents for this criterion must be submitted. The product can only be modified after the documents have been successfully checked by RAL gGmbH. Fees are payable based on the type and scope of the modification.

如果申请人希望修改已经注册的产品,则该修改仅在影响至少一项基本奖励标准的情况下才需要在RAL gGmbH中注册。该标准的相应申请文件必须提交。只有在RAL gGmbH成功检查了文档之后,才能修改产品。费用根据修改的类型和范围而定。

If the product data that has been entered in ECAT changes due to the modification, these changes should be registered by the applicant in ECAT.


Licence renewals


If the Basic Award Criteria expire and are replaced by a new version with amended criteria, the label holder can generally submit a licence renewal application within one year on the basis of the new criteria without any interruption to their use of the logo. The process is usually the same as that for a new application, although it may be possible to use the checks carried out for the initial application. Licence holders should get in touch with the relevant contact person at RAL gGmbH in this case. After successful checking of the application by RAL gGmbH, the applicant will receive a new contract with a new registration number. The product should be registered in ECAT as new products.

如果基本奖励标准过期并被具有修订标准的新版本替代,标签持有人通常可以在一年之内根据新标准提交许可证更新申请,而不会中断其徽标的使用。该过程通常与新申请程序相同,尽管可以使用对初始申请程序执行的检查。在这种情况下,许可证持有人应与RAL gGmbH的相关联系人联系。通过RAL gGmbH成功检查申请后,申请人将收到带有新注册号的新合同。该产品应在ECAT中注册为新产品。


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