复合木制品甲醛释放标准执行摘要-2.代理商需要采取的行为 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2021-12-03   点击:1192 次

A.What action is theagency taking?


EPA is issuing a final rule that implements TSCATitle VI. The final rule includes provisions on labeling; chain of custodyrequirements; sell-through provisions; ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resins (ULEF);no-added formaldehyde-based resins (NAF); finished goods; third-party testingand certification; auditing and reporting of third-party certifiers (TPCs);recordkeeping; enforcement; laminated products; and exceptions from regulatoryrequirements for products and components containing de minimis amounts of composite wood products. The final ruleincorporates the emission standards established by TSCA Title VI for hardwoodplywood, medium-density fiberboard (MDF) and particleboard, and products containingthese composite wood materials, that are sold, supplied, offered for sale, ormanufactured (defined by statute to include import) in the United States.


The emission standards established by TSCA Title VIare not altered in this final rule. The requirements in this final rule areconsistent, to the extent EPA deemed appropriate and practical considering TSCATitle VI, with the requirements currently in effect in California under theCalifornia Air Resources Board's (CARB) Air Toxics Control Measure to ReduceFormaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products (ATCM) (Ref. 1).


Under this final rule, the definition of hardwoodplywood exempts laminated products made by attaching a wood or woody grassveneer to a compliant core or platform with a phenol-formaldehyde resin or aresin formulated with no added formaldehyde as part of the resin cross-linkingstructure. To be eligible for the exemption, laminated product producers mustmaintain records demonstrating eligibility for the exemption.



This final rule establishes the manufactured-bydate for composite wood products at December 12, 2017. After this date,hardwood plywood made with either a combination core or a veneer core,particleboard, and MDF must be manufactured (including imported) in compliancewith the provisions of this final rule. This final rule establishes themanufactured-by date for laminated products at December 12, 2023. Before thatdate, laminated product producers must use compliant composite wood productplatforms and comply with the recordkeeping and labeling requirements forfabricators. After that date, laminated products that are exempt from thedefinition of hardwood plywood must also keep, as a condition of the exemption,records demonstrating eligibility for the exemption. Other laminated productswill have to be made in compliance with the testing and TPC certificationrequirements for hardwood plywood.


Table 1 is a summary of the regulatory requirementsby regulated entity. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list ofrequirements, nor is it intended to replace the provisions of the regulatorytext. For specific information on any of these requirements, interested personsshould consult the referenced regulatory provisions. Entities who fit into morethan one category must comply with the requirements for all applicablecategories. For example, an importer of composite wood product panels who alsofabricates finished goods must comply with the requirements for importers andthe requirements for fabricators.



Table   1—Summary of Provisions

Requirement   要求

Compliance   date

Composite Wood Product Producers


Products must comply with emission standards:


Hardwood plywood (made with a  veneer core or a composite core) = 0.05 ppm

硬木胶合板(用单板芯或复合芯制成)= 0.05 ppm

December 12, 2017.

Particleboard = 0.09 ppmMDF = 0.11  ppmThin MDF = 0.13 ppm

刨花板= 0.09 ppm MDF =  0.11 ppmMDF = 0.13 ppm

(40 CFR 770.10)

Products must be certified by an  EPA TSCA Title VI TPC unless they are eligible for a limited exemption for  products made with NAF-based or ULEF resins

产品必须获得EPA TSCA Title VI TPC的认证,除非它们有资格获得由NAF基或ULEF树脂制成的产品的有限豁免

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.15, 770. 17, 770.18)

Products must undergo quarterly  testing and routine quality control testing using specified methods


December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.20)

Panels must be labeled with the  producer's name (or other identification), lot number, TPC number, and a  statement of compliance with TSCA Title VI

面板必须贴有生产商名称(或其他标识),批号,TPC编号以及符合TSCA VI的声明标签。

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.45)

Records, including testing,  production, purchaser, transporter, and non-complying lot information, must  be kept for 3 years


December 12, 2017.

Records demonstrating initial  eligibility for reduced testing or a limited third-party certification  exemption for products made with NAF-based or ULEF resins must be kept for as  long as exemption eligibility is claimed


(40 CFR 770.40)

Producers of Laminated Products  That Are Not Exempt From the Definition of Hardwood Plywood


Bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents must be obtained and maintained for 3 years


December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

Finished goods must be labeled  with the producer's name, the date the good was produced, and a statement of  TSCA Title VI compliance

制成品必须贴上生产者名称,商品生产日期以及符合TSCA VI的声明

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.45)

Laminated products must comply  with the hardwood plywood emission standard of 0.05 ppm, and the testing,  certification, and recordkeeping requirements for composite wood products


层压产品必须符合0.05 ppm的硬木胶合板排放标准以及复合木产品的测试,认证和记录保存要求

December 12, 2023.

(40 CFR 770.10, 770.15, 770.20,  770.40)

Producers of Laminated Products That  Are Exempt From the Definition of Hardwood Plywood


Records demonstrating purchase/use  of compliant platforms and NAF or PF resins and bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents must be obtained and maintained for 3 years


December 12, 2023.

(40 CFR 770.40)

Bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents must be obtained and maintained for 3 years


December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

Finished goods must be labeled  with the producer's name, the date the good was produced, and a statement of  TSCA Title VI compliance

制成品必须贴上生产者名称,商品生产日期以及符合TSCA VI的声明

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.45)

Fabricators (Other Than Laminated  Product Producers)


Bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents must be obtained and maintained for 3 years.


December 12, 2017

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

Finished goods must be labeled  with the producer's name, the date the good was produced, and a statement of  TSCA Title VI compliance

制成品必须贴上生产者名称,商品生产日期以及符合TSCA VI标题的声明

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.45)

Importers 进口商

Bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents bearing a statement of TSCA Title VI compliance must be  obtained and maintained for 3 years. In addition, must have the ability to  make records identifying the panel producer, the date the products were  produced, the supplier (if different) and the date the products were  purchased available to EPA within 30 calendar days of request

必须获得载有TSCA VI符合性声明的提货单,发票或类似文件并将其保存3年。此外,必须具备记录能力,以识别面板生产商,产品生产日期,供应商(如果有的话)和购买产品的日期(可在要求后的30个日历日内提供给EPA

December 12, 2017.

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

Import certification under TSCA  section 13 is required


December 12, 2018.

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

Distributors and Retailers


Bills of lading, invoices, or  comparable documents must be obtained and maintained for 3 years.


December 12, 2017

(40 CFR 770.30, 770.40)

This final rule also establishes an EPA TSCA TitleVI Third-Party Certification Program to ensure that composite wood panelproducers comply with the statutory formaldehyde emission limits. Under the EPATSCA Title VI Third-Party Certification Program, TPCs will regularly inspectcomposite wood panel producers, and conduct, oversee, and verify formaldehydeemissions tests. TPCs who wish to participate in the EPA TSCA Title VIThird-Party Certification Program must apply to EPA for approval and receiverecognition from EPA before certifying products under this rule. Therequirements for TPCs to receive EPA recognition include being accredited byEPA-recognized accreditation bodies (ABs) to specific voluntary consensusstandards and to the regulatory requirements in this rule. In addition, TPCsapproved by CARB are eligible for EPA TSCA Title VI recognition throughreciprocity, provided that they meet all applicable requirements. Existing CARBTPCs and TPCs approved by CARB during the two-year transition period that arerecognized by EPA may certify composite wood products under TSCA Title VI untilDecember 12, 2018. After that time, EPA will only recognize TPCs, includingCARB-approved TPCs, who are accredited by EPA-recognized ABs.

该最终规则还建立了EPA TSCA第六章第三方认证计划,以确保复合木板的生产商遵守法定的甲醛排放限制。根据EPA TSCA第六章第三方认证计划,TPC将定期检查复合木板生产商,并进行,监督和验证甲醛排放测试。希望参与EPA TSCA第六章第三方认证计划的TPC必须先向EPA申请批准,并获得EPA的认可,然后才能根据此规则对产品进行认证。

TPC要获得EPA认可,要求包括获得EPA认可的认可机构(ABs)认可的特定自愿性共识标准和本规则中的法规要求。此外,CARB批准的TPC只要符合所有适用要求,就可以通过互惠获得EPA TSCATitle VI认可。EPA认可的现有CARB TPC和在两年过渡期内获得CARB批准的,经EPA认可的TPC可以在TSCA第六章下对复合木制品进行认证,直至20181212日。在那之后,EPA将仅认可由EPA认可的AB认可的TPC,包括CARB批准的TPC

Under this final rule, composite wood products mustbe certified by an EPA TSCA Title VI TPC. To obtain and maintain certification,panel producers must establish quality assurance/quality control programs,conduct regular quality control testing of product emissions, and have anEPA-recognized TPC conduct or oversee quarterly formaldehyde emissions testing.Composite wood products made with NAF-based or ULEF resins may be eligible forreduced testing and/or a limited exemption from TPC oversight after an initialtesting period of three months, for NAF, or six months, for ULEF.

根据此最终规则,复合木制品必须经过EPA TSCAVI TPC的认证。为了获得并保持认证,面板生产商必须建立质量保证/质量控制计划,对产品排放进行定期质量控制测试,并具有EPA认可的TPC行为或监督季度甲醛排放测试。用NAFULEF树脂制成的复合木制品在最初的三个月NAF或六个月ULEF的初始测试期后,可能有资格减少测试和/或有限地免除TPC监督。

This action includes labeling requirements forcomposite wood products and finished goods as well as “chain of custody” andrecordkeeping requirements with a three year record retention period. Productsthat contain de minimis amountsof composite wood products, defined as products containing 144 square inches orless of regulated composite wood products, are exempt from the labelingrequirements, but not the recordkeeping requirements or other provisions. TSCAsection 13 import certification for composite wood products that are articlesis also required.


Notable changes from EPA's proposed regulationsinclude the clarification of certain terms under TSCA Title VI to excluderenovation and construction activities, applicability of the hardwood plywoodemission standard limited to hardwood plywood made with either a composite or aveneer core, an expanded exemption for laminated products to products laminatedwith phenol-formaldehyde resins in addition to those laminated with resinsformulated with no added formaldehyde as part of the resin cross-linkingstructure, a manufactured-by date for non-exempt laminated products that isseven years after publication of this final rule, the addition of a petitionprocess through which any person can petition the Agency to expand theexemption for laminated products from the definition of the term “hardwoodplywood”, elimination of the requirement to hold lots selected for testinguntil test results are received, specific notification requirements for non-complyinglots, reduced recordkeeping for non-laminating fabricators, and allowing twoyears after date of final publication of the rule, instead of one year, forimporters to certify that imports are in compliance with TSCA Title VI pursuantto TSCA section 13.

EPA拟议法规的显着变化包括澄清了TSCA第六章中的某些术语,不包括翻新和建筑活动;硬木胶合板排放标准的适用性仅限于由复合材料或贴面板芯制成的硬木胶合板;对层压产品的扩大豁免除使用酚醛甲醛树脂层压而成的产品以及不添加甲醛作为树脂交联结构一部分而配制的树脂层压产品外,非豁免层压产品的出厂日期为该最终出版物公布后的七年规则是,增加了一种请愿程序,通过该程序,任何人都可以向代理机构请愿,以扩大对层压产品的豁免,使之从硬木胶合板一词的定义中消除,不再要求保留选定的要进行测试的批料,直到收到测试结果,不合格批次的特定通知要求,减少记录保存适用于非层压制造商,并且允许该规则的最终发布日期之后的两年而不是一年,以便进口商证明进口符合TSCA13节中的TSCA VI规定。

B. Why is the Agency takingthis action?


EPA is promulgating this final rule to reduce formaldehydeemissions from composite wood products, and thereby reduce exposures toformaldehyde and avoid adverse health effects. TSCA Title VI directs EPA topromulgate regulations that include provisions on labeling; chain of custodyrequirements; sell-through provisions; ULEF and NAF resins; finished goods;third-party testing and certification; auditing and reporting of TPCs;recordkeeping; enforcement; laminated products; and exceptions from regulatoryrequirements for products and components containing de minimis amounts of composite wood products.


C. What are the estimatedimpacts of this action?


EPA's analysis of the potential costs, benefits, and impactsassociated with this rulemaking is summarized in Table 2, and additional detailis provided in Unit VI.A. The quantified costs of the rule may exceed thequantified benefits under certain conditions. There are additional unquantifiedbenefits due to other avoided health effects. There is not sufficientinformation at this time on the relationship between formaldehyde exposure andmyeloid leukemia, respiratory related effects, or reduced fertility to includea valuation estimate in the overall benefits analysis. Although uncertaintyremains regarding how best to quantify the effect of formaldehyde exposure onthese


  • 下一篇:复合木制品甲醛释放标准执行摘要-1.需要执行的制造商
  • 上一篇:NOCSAE-SEI认证/足球护胫测试要求
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