有关FDA食品生产安全规则的FAQs 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2018-03-21   点击:2199 次


 PSR.1 What are the key requirements andcompliance dates?


     More information about the final rule can be found in the ProduceSafety At-a-Glance fact sheet.


     PSR.2 What produce is covered by this rule,and what produce is not covered?


    All types of produce are covered by the rule except as provided by specificexemptions from the rule. Exemptions include produce that:


·        is grown for personal or on-farm consumption

·        种植用于个人或农场消费

·        Is not a “raw agricultural commodity.” (A raw agriculturalcommodity is any food in its raw or natural state)

·        不是“原始农产品”(原始农产品是天生的或天然的食物状态)

·        will receive commercial processing that adequately reducesmicroorganisms of public health concern (e.g., through use of a “kill step”) iseligible for exemption under certain conditions (including keeping certaindocumentation).

·        在某些条件下(包括保存某些文件)将充分减少公共卫生微生物的商业处理(例如,通过使用“破坏步骤”)有资格获得豁免。

·        is on the “rarely consumed raw” list. The “rarely consumedraw” list is exhaustive and contains the following fruits and vegetables:asparagus; black beans, great Northern beans, kidney beans, lima beans, navybeans, and pinto beans; garden beets (roots and tops) and sugar beets; cashews;sour cherries; chickpeas; cocoa beans; coffee beans; collards; sweet corn;cranberries; dates; dill (seeds and weed); eggplants; figs; horseradish;hazelnuts; lentils; okra; peanuts; pecans; peppermint; potatoes; pumpkins;winter squash; sweet potatoes; and water chestnuts.

·        “很少消费的原料”列表。“很少消费的原料”列表是详尽无遗的,包含以下水果和蔬菜:芦笋;黑豆,大北豆,芸豆,利马豆,海军豆和扁豆;花园甜菜(根和顶)和甜菜;腰果;酸樱桃鹰嘴豆;可可豆;咖啡豆;甘蓝;甜玉米;蔓越莓;海枣;莳萝(种子和杂草);茄子;无花果;辣根;榛子;扁豆;秋葵;花生;胡桃;薄荷;土豆;南瓜;冬季南瓜;红薯和栗子。

o   The content of this list in the final rule is somewhatdifferent from the proposed version. These changes were made in response topublic comments and based on FDA’s analysis of available data. For example,Brussels sprouts and kale were removed from the proposed list, and pecans wereadded to the final list.

o    最终法规中此列表的内容与建议版本有些不同。这些更改是根据公众意见进行的,并根据FDA对可用数据的分析。例如,布鲁塞尔芽菜和羽衣甘蓝从提议的清单中删除,山核桃被添加到最终名单。

PSR. 3 Are vegetables intended to be frozenprior to sale eligible for exemption?


Not necessarily. Produce that receives commercial processing that adequatelyreduces the presence of pathogens of public health significance is eligible forexemption if other relevant requirements are met. Blanching and/or freezingprocesses may qualify if they are validated to ensure that the specificprocedures followed adequately reduce pathogens in the food.  


PSR.4 Why does the final rule containadditional requirements for sprout production?


Sprouts are vulnerable to bacterial contamination because of the warm, moistand nutrient-rich conditions in which they grow. They have frequently beenassociated with outbreaks of foodborne illness. The Produce Safety final ruleincludes specific requirements in Subpart M for most sprouts. This subpart doesnot cover sprouts that are soil- or substrate-grown and are harvested withouttheir roots. All sprouts, including those not covered under Subpart M, arecovered produce subject to the other provisions of the produce rule asapplicable.


PSR.5 Is extra time allowed for smallerfarms to come into compliance with the requirements? 


The FDA has staggered the compliance dates, based on the size of farms, toprovide additional time for small and very small farms to come into compliancewith the requirements, and is providing extended time for almost all farms tomeet certain water requirements in Subpart E. Because of their history ofoutbreaks, operations growing sprouts have less time to come into compliancethan other farms and do not get additional time to come into compliance withany of the water requirements. Farms with an average annual value of producesold of $25,000 or less during the previous three year period are not coveredby the rule. 



PSR. 6 What if farmers need helpmeeting these new requirements? 


The FDA has beenworking with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), state agriculturedepartments, the Produce Safety Alliance and the Sprouts Safety Alliance, aswell as others, to make sure there are numerous resources available fortraining, education and technical assistance to aid farmers with implementationof the Produce Safety rule. The agency is planning to use a number ofapproaches, including guidance documents, to give farmers the tools they needto comply with the new regulations. The agency recently released a trainingstrategy to support compliance with the FSMA rules.


PSR.7 How does the FDA plan to determine howmuch time should be required between the application of raw manure and theharvest of produce covered by the rule?


The FDA is deferringits decision on an appropriate time interval between the application ofuntreated biological soil amendments of animal origin, including manure, andharvest of covered produce until we pursue a risk assessment and research tosupplement the science on an appropriate interval. We anticipate that theseefforts will take five to 10 years to complete. Following the completion of therisk assessment and research work, we expect to: 

(1) provide stakeholders withdata and information gathered from scientific investigations and riskassessment;

(2) consider such new data and information to develop tentativescientific conclusions;

(3) provide an opportunity for public comment on ourtentative decisions; and (4) consider public input to finalize the provision(s)establishing an appropriate minimum application interval(s). The final producerule contains other requirements related to the safe use of biological soilamendments of animal origin, including raw manure, in Subpart F. For example,the rule establishes certain application method requirements for treated anduntreated biological soil amendments of animal origin.







PSR.8 What were the primary findings of theFinal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision (ROD)?


In developing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the FDAconsidered any adverse impacts that implementation of the proposed ProduceSafety rule provisions and various alternatives could potentially have on theenvironment. The agency is also required to prepare a public document, calledthe Record of Decision (ROD), to address how the EIS findings are incorporatedinto decisions about the final rule and the ROD further explains potentialimpacts on the environment that could result from the Produce Safety Rule, asfinalized. In the ROD, the agency explains how the provisions in the final rulebest meet FDA’s public health goals while minimizing environmental impacts asmuch as possible. The primary benefit of this rule is expected to be asignificant decrease in the number of foodborne illnesses every year. The rulehas the potential to significantly impact the environment as a result ofgroundwater drawdown. However, the flexibility that has been introduced intothe rule is expected to minimize the likelihood that this will occur. 





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